Format of Request Description

The below shows the template for description of each API endpoint call.

Introduction text including a brief description of the request.


URI to specify including the baseURl which is the global connection parameter for all endpoint requests and any customer defined parameters which may be identical or vary for each endpoint.

In this document, the following notation is used to distinguish between a customer variable and a global Postman defined variable:

{ customer input variable } For example {{baseUrl}}
{ { Postman variable } } For example {umpCustomerGuid}

You can copy the URI and other code snippets by selecting the Copy icon in the top right hand corner of the screen in the HTML help output.

HTTP Method

The following methods are used in this API:


Request Parameters

Table listing parameters to specify in the URI. In the example below, {umpCustomerGuid} is the request parameter.


Request Body

Table listing parameters to specify in the Request Body.

Example Request Body

An example code snippet of the Request Body. The table below shows an example of a customer creation request.

{ "configurationName": "OcEssential_TENANT_TYPE", "customerShortName": "SIPTest", "customerFullName": "SIPTest", "msTenantID": "f94238e5-4f2c-4e1b-8125-2d27122ca75f" }

Example Response

An example code snippet of the response which may return output or Task Id or integer value.

For actions returning Task Id, the execution of the request may take a few minutes. The status will progress from 'In Progress' to 'Completed Success'.

Response Codes

200 OK indicates a successful response. Errors may be returned in the following ways:

200 OK including Message field with either 'Information' message or 'Error' message. In the example below, an error message is displayed in the response indicating that a phone number has been rejected due to an Invalid format.
    "id": "wup_ede0a5b7-713e-4571-847a-aa02f1b1cf1d",
    "status": "CompletedFailed",
    "details": [
    "executionMessages": [
            "level": "Error",
            "message": "Telephone number 97239764533 rejected due: Invalid format."
            "level": "Information",
            "message": "Workflow completed."
    "outputData": {
        "CreateTime": "2023-09-21T10:48:27.3883651Z",
        "CompleteTime": "2023-09-21T10:48:30.836471Z",
        "OcUploadNumberResult": "InvalidTelephonesError",
        "WorkflowVersion": 3
400 Bad Request: The following example shows in error generated when incorrect characters were used in the Phone Number.
    "errors": {
        "phoneNumbers[11]": [
            "Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: ,. Path 'phoneNumbers[11]', line 6, position 183."
        "phoneNumbers[13]": [
            "After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: 9. Path 'phoneNumbers[13]', line 6, position 213."
        "phoneNumbers[13].phoneNumbers": [
            "Infinite loop detected from error handling. Path 'phoneNumbers[13]', line 6, position 213."
    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-1500b8f3010fbc745afcf61815ae2a6b-e6dc6d620a03963f-00"
401 Unauthorized: Generally Token expiration ; regenerate the Token and issue request again.
404 Not Found: The method used is not valid. For example, you applied PUT to a request that only supports PATCH requests.
405 Method Not Allowed
409 Conflict
422 Client Error
429 Too Many Requests: When there are excessive server threads on the Live Platform under same Service Provider account or there are excessive requests to Microsoft Operator Connect under the same Microsoft account, the following error may be returned: HTTP 429
500 Internal Server Error: The following shows an example of 500 Internal Server Error where a lead cannot be found when trying to assign it a channel.
    "type": "",
    "title": "Failed to assign channel: ",
    "status": 500,
    "detail": "Lead not found.",
    "traceId": "00-4775720d3a1bae96f4cb21a7cb22ba80-90afde65fe7ba490-00"

This API implements Standard HTML responses according to RFC 7807.